AUSTRALIA DAY FELL on a Saturday this year so in typical aussie fashion we celebrated on Saturday and again on Monday (a public holiday). I was lucky enough to be invited by a friend, who originally came from Italy but had made it BIG with farming cucumbers, to watch the show. He owned a very impressive apartment on the fore shore in Perth and from the 14th floor we had a spectacular view of boats, jets, helicopters etc. strutting their stuff and no doubt using up fuel at a rate of knots that would have lasted 10 years in my small economy car! Thousands of spectators decorated the fore shore, some playing volley ball others cricket but most just enjoying a picnic and the atmosphere. It was warmish ( 34 degrees) but you get used to that sort of temperature in Perth. At 9:00 pm promptly we were treated to a flyover and then a very impressive fireworks display accompanied by music from a local radio station. With lots of flags and Sheilas ( chicks) dressed in Australian colours, it certainly made us feel … well … AUSTRALIANS!
1 comment:
I had no idea cucumbers were so profitable.
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