I wrote a bit about this before but I was thinking today how lucky many of us are to be born just after the war as far as trying new things are concerned. When I was 10 years old, I was carrying water from the local village ( about half a km ) to our home. Strangely enough we DID have a television but no fridge, no washing machine of any sort and no gadgets that I can think of.
Last night, I recorded a Beatles Medley on my Casio Keyboard using all kinds of functions. THen I transfered this track on to a recording studio and added a few more tracks including a vocal track. I then played this sound track and recorded it onto the computer. At this stage I changed the wav format to mp3 and finally duplicated the file on to a small ipod. I will take this ipod to a gig tomorrow and (hopefully) sing the main part to this backing.
If this means little to you, well I am just trying to show how many gadgets are involved in this minor project.
1 comment:
Hi Double,
We're a bit older than you and remember life in California in the 1930s. The thing I miss the most is my youth. I certainly do enjoy someof the gadgets, but can leave others alone. I have two writer friends who refuse to use a computer but live or die by cell phones. I use a cell phone once a week. Different strokes for different folks.
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