I was at a wedding recently and was not only impressed by the ceremony but also by the multicultured nature of the ceremony. The groom was originally from Uruguay, the bride from Australia and I believe her family were from Wales. The priests were from Vietnam and Ghana as perhaps can be seen from the small photograph. Small here because of confidentiality! I read some prayers and as you might know I am originally from Ireland. I was aided my a lecturer who was originally from (in his words) Persia. I think in modern terms he was from Iran. At the reception they had relatives from England, friends from Thailand ( I pretended I was from T'ireland .... well it was quite a few toasts later!) I love meeting people from other countries especially when we all get on so well. Yes the Thai people DID have an Irish sense of humo(u)r OR they were very patient listeners. As the song goes "I am, your are, we are AUSTRALIANS.
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