I wonder how many of you out there agree with me when I say I cannot quite see the value of spending thousands of dollars on fireworks when we could spend it on something more useful like food. We have Australia Day here on Jan 26th ( see old blog from last year below). All the capital cities have very large firework displays which lasts about twenty minutes. Of course it may be seen by some to be quite spectacular and I suppose lots of the kids enjoy it but I think we could use this money more wisely on other things. Perhaps each city in turn could have a different show and donate the money to a better cause. Maybe I am just being naive on this point but most of these shows look very similar to me and once I had experienced one show, I was more than happy not to repeat the event.
Many of my friends do not give generously to charities any longer as they believe ( rightly or wrongly) that their donations do not go to the right people.
But surely a government could sort this one out. Has our society changed that much or were we always like this?