Thursday, February 28, 2008

Sweep : The Dog

I confess that I named my daughter's dog after a puppet that was once popular in the U.K. The main puppet was called Sooty ( a tiny bear) and run by Harry Corbett. The other puppet was called Sweep.

This Sweep was infatuated with his mistress and followed her faithfully everywhere. [See my first blog about 3 pages down on this site.... CLICK ON older posts at the bottom of the pages] Yes ...even to bed at night. When she went out in the morning he would sleep on the top of a chair so that he could see when she returned. He was distraught when for six months she went to Melbourne on a uni course. I only wished I had taped his antics shen she returned. Certainly, no human could have given her that type of welcome.

He now eyes suitcases with a great deal of suspicion so when she left home last week for a new abode, he was not entirely surprised. He moped around for a few days so I thought I would give him a quick visit and sleep-over. Now, I did warn him that if he wished to stay, he would have to behave as he does at home. Barking was out. So was pissing on their new carpet and poohing was definitely a NO NO.

Now, I was not sure how many brain cells he had and remembering that he was really besotted with his mistress, I was somewhat confused to find him back with us ( my wife and I) the next morning. He simply did not like the place where there was little food, less water, no grass on which to relieve himself and no dog flap to get out there when he wanted.

So he simply took my advise and barked all night, peed on the carpet and Poohed in two of the bed rooms to be sure to be sure. Well done Sweep.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

My father was born in Kells Co. Meath (Ireland). He was the first to own a television in our village ( 1952) and as well as being a teacher of some standing, he loved working in wood. He loved sport but he passed on over 50 years ago! I thought it would be good to have a photograph of him here with my mum. It was taken over 60 years ago but with modern technology, I managed to color it up a bit. I am not sure my mum would wear pink ( sorry Mum!).

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Curtin Graduation Perth

I went to the University of Curtin a few days ago to watch my daughter graduate with First Class Honors in Physiotherapy. The whole ceremony was really well done and I was lucky enough to make a video of it. The speeches were short and succinct and the fireworks at the end added a suitable finale. A night to remember with relish for all those present. Congratulations to the graduates and the organisers.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Video of fireworks

Highlight ALL the text on the site below and use it to view a BRIEF video of Fireworks on Australia Day. The music in the background might sound a trifle weird. Aboriginal Music.

AUSTRALIA DAY 26th January

AUSTRALIA DAY FELL on a Saturday this year so in typical aussie fashion we celebrated on Saturday and again on Monday (a public holiday). I was lucky enough to be invited by a friend, who originally came from Italy but had made it BIG with farming cucumbers, to watch the show. He owned a very impressive apartment on the fore shore in Perth and from the 14th floor we had a spectacular view of boats, jets, helicopters etc. strutting their stuff and no doubt using up fuel at a rate of knots that would have lasted 10 years in my small economy car! Thousands of spectators decorated the fore shore, some playing volley ball others cricket but most just enjoying a picnic and the atmosphere. It was warmish ( 34 degrees) but you get used to that sort of temperature in Perth. At 9:00 pm promptly we were treated to a flyover and then a very impressive fireworks display accompanied by music from a local radio station. With lots of flags and Sheilas ( chicks) dressed in Australian colours, it certainly made us feel … well … AUSTRALIANS!