Thursday, July 3, 2008

Jupiter and its Moons

As of the 3rd July 2008, Jupiter is really visible in the Southern Hemisphere in the East. I was lucky enough to bid for three telescopes on e bay and having been outbid on two was quite concerned when the next day I had won all three! Well to be honest here, one is probably as good as three!

I had observed the Galilean moons of Jupiter before but not all at once. The telescope picks them up with no trouble though not as large as the image of Io above. The larger image is of course Jupiter and they are not to scale. If you are interested, try this site.

On the 6th July, ( 2008) the Moon, Saturn and Mars should be observed very close together in the Western sky ( Southern Hemisphere). I am sure it is the same for the Northern Hemisphere. Let me know.

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