Monday, January 29, 2007

Australia Day

26th January if you did not know! is Australia Day. My daughter suanne and her friend set off at 9:30 a.m. to play songs ( mostly australian) at an old people's home. It turned out to be hot in more ways than one. Certainly the temp. was around 41 degrees ( around 108 in degrees F) and by the time we had hauled in the speakers etc. we were stuffed. The concert went well and they loved my tribute to Bali victims song ( see below for chorus). The highlight was an inmate who sang every song ( except the ones I had written and he even had a go at those!) He was blind they told me later which sort of explained the lack of eye contact we made!!

Chorus They came from the land down under

They came to Bali just to pla - ay

They came from the land down under
And now some of them are there to stay.


Anonymous said...

Well written article.

Leticia Prados said...

nice, i think you are spreading good thins around your life.
Are you still teaching?